Looking for the guidelines on the Course Life Cycle? Please see: Richtlijnen Course en Student Lifecycle
The Course Life Cycle entails the stages a Brightspace Course Offering goes through.
The different stages
The default stages are:
Future Course: course is active, both start and end date are in the future
- In this stage the course is being prepared for education, the course is inaccessable for students
Open Course:course is active, start date has passed, end date is in the future
- In this stage education takes place, both instructors and students can access the course
Past Course:course is active, both start and end date have passed
- In this stage the education has stopped, the course is inaccessable for students
Inactive Course: course is inactive
- In this stage the course is inaccessable for both students and instructors
Click to enlarge. Please note that the information in the image is in Dutch.
How can we differentiate the course stages?

Users with the LMS Coordinator (Light) role in a course can access all course stages at any time.
- Future Courses: Will have a start date
- Open Courses: Only a course name and the course code
- Past Courses: Will have a "closed" label
- Inactive Courses: Will have a "Inactive" label
Past and Inactive unpinned courses are still presented in the My Course widget.

Users with a staff like role in a course can only access future, open and past courses.
- Future Courses: Will have a start date
- Open Courses: Only a course name and the course code
- Unpinned Past Courses: Are "hidden" under View All Courses.
- Click to go to the next screen
As we can see, the Past Courses: Will have a "closed" label.

Pinning past courses will present them in the My Courses widget for easy access.
Please see here [under construction] how to grant longer access to a course for individual students.

Users with a Student role in a course can only access open courses.
- Future Courses: Will be grayed out and will have a start date
- Open Courses: Only a course name and the course code
- Unpinned Past Courses: Are "hidden" under View All Courses.
- Click to go to the next screen
As we can see, the Past Courses will be grayed out and will have a "closed" label.

Pinning past courses will present them in the My Courses widget, however the student still can't access the course.
Which roles have access to the different course stages?
Role in BS | Access Future Courses | Access Open Courses | Access Past Courses | Access Inactive Courses |
Super Admin / Admin / Brightspace Support | Y | Y | Y | Y |
LMS Coordinator & LMS Coordinator Light |
Y | Y | Y | Y |
Instructor / Assistant Instructor / Grader / Course Builder / Tutor / Staff Observer / Staff Observer Light | Y | Y | Y | N |
Student | N | Y | N | N |
Student Observer |
N | Y | Y | N |
Which roles can manage (parts) of the Life Cycle?
Role in BS | Create course | Adjust Start Date - Open course for Students | Adjust End Date - Close course for Students | Make course inactive - Close course for Instructors |
Super Admin / Admin | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Brightspace Support |
N | Y | Y | Y |
LMS Coordinator & LMS Coordinator Light |
N | Y | Y | Y |
Instructor / Course Builder | N | Y | Y | N |
Assistant Instructor / Grader / Tutor | N | N | N | N |
Staff Observer / Staff Observer Light / Student / Student Observer | N | N | N | N |