Seperate Students Management - An Overview

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This Seperate Students Management consists of a number of articles that cover the differences between working with sections, groups or separate course offerings.

Separate Students based on your uSis setup

One of the first things you might think about in terms of Bulk Management is separating students. After all, managing education for a group of 30 students is a lot easier than for a group of 1200 students. 

Whether you choose to separate your students based on your uSis setup or not, is completely up to you. Some of you might want to keep all the students together in one course without any "walls", some of you might want to place students in completely different environments, and some of you might want something in between. 

As an LMS-coordinator, you must decide which of the options suits the education of your faculty the best. Therefore, we have provided an overview of the possibilities to ensure that you can make a well-informed decision.

If you need any advice or have questions on this matter, please feel free to contact FB SOZ LMS. We can discuss the possibilities and explain the impact of your choices.

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