Looking for something else?
It is not possible to process enrollments and unenrollments simultaneously with the same document/format. Please refer to the unenroll manual.
Follow these steps:
- Fill in one of the formats below
- Save file as .csv
- Send in via the Helpdeskportal
Brightspace Support team will process the batch for you daily, you'll receive an update if completed. Requests sent in before 12:00 on office days, will be processed that day before 17:00.
- Course(s) must exist in Brightspace
- User(s) must exist in Brightspace
Column explanation:
- Action = ENROLL
- Username = student number
- Role = student
- Course Offering Code = as presented in Brightspace
- Course(s) must exist in Brightspace
- User(s) must exist in Brightspace
- User(s) must be enrolled in Course
- Group(s) must exist in Course
Column explanation:
- Action = ENROLL
- Username = student number
- Role = student
- Course Offering Code = LEAVE EMPTY
- Group ID = as presented in Brightspace
Students can be enrolled in a course and a group within 1 CSV file. The order of enrollment does not matter, but each enrollment is one row. Therefore for each student that needs to be enrolled in a group, but is not yet enrolled in the course: two lines of enrollment are needed for these students. See also the sample file.
- Course(s) must exist in Brightspace
- User(s) must exist in Brightspace
- Group(s) must exit in Course
Please note 2 lines per student are needed for a course AND group enrollment
Column explanation:
- Action = ENROLL
- Username = student number
- Role = student
- Course Offering Code = as presented in Brightspace
- Group ID = as presented in Brightspace
- Course(s) must exist in Brightspace
- Course(s) are not provisioned through uSis
- User(s) must exist in Brightspace
- User(s) must be enrolled in Course
- Request a list of section codes and names from FB SOZ LMS or provide the course offering code and section number/name
Column explanation:
- Action = ENROLL
- Username = student number
- Role = student
- Section Code = as provided by FB SOZ LMS or Leave empty
- Course Offering Code = as presented in Brightspace
- Section number/name = as presented in Brightspace
Finding course offering codes

The Course Offering Code can be found on the course tile under the Course Name or via:
- Course Tools
- Course Admin
- Course Offering Information
Finding Group ID's
Group ID can be found in the Groups screen:
- Course Tools > Groups
- Click on the Group Name to open the edit screen
- Look for the GROUP ID in the URL
How to find a large number of Group IDs? You can also request a list of Group ID's if needed. See here for more information.